Community Care of West Virginia provides a school-based health center on the campus of West Virginia Wesleyan. A school-based health center (SBHC) is a doctor’s office inside the school. SBHCs provide comprehensive preventive and primary health care services and education to the students and faculty on a school campus. CCWV goals are to improve the health of the students, provide enhanced access to healthcare-related services that are not currently available and supplement the services currently provided by the school nurses and counselors.

  • Hours of Operation and More Information

    More information and hours of operation for the Health Center can be found by clicking here.

  • Health Form

    All new students are required to complete the following health form. In addition to the health form, all new students must also submit a copy of their insurance cards. We ask that you please complete the form below and submit to 

    Click here to complete the health form.

  • Local Health Providers

    Walk-in Centers

    When the Health Center is closed, the following are local options that see walk-ins. Call for hours.

    Care Express at Buckhannon Medical Care 304-473-1440
    St. Joseph’s Prompt Care 304-473-2020


    Buckhannon Dental Center 304-472-1776
    Buckhannon Family Dental 304-472-1122
    Jeran, Stephen 304-472-3160
    Johns and Conde 304-472-2774
    Miller, Michael 304-472-8598
    Neal, William 304-472-0181
    Wilson-Martino 304-472-4954
    Eye Specialists
    Abel, Burton 304-460-7326
    Kress, Theodore 304-472-1235
    Reese, Timothy 304-472-2433
    Sharps & Looper 304-472-7703
    CVS 304-473-0151
    Kroger 304-472-0918
    Miller’s 304-472-1484
    Rite-Aid 304-472-0150
    Thompson’s 304-472-1120
    Wal-Mart 304-472-0834
  • Tobacco-Free Campus

    As of Spring 2017, the West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC) campus and property is a tobacco-free environment. This policy is intended to help reduce the health risks associated with tobacco use, smoking, and second-hand smoke.

    The policy impacts students, faculty, staff, vendors, contractors, and guests. In order to inform the WVWC community and visitors, signs are posted throughout campus.

    The policy applies to all buildings including residence halls, the grounds including exterior open spaces, parking lots, on-campus sidewalks, streets, driveways, stadiums, recreational spaces, practice facilities, and in all WVWC owned or leased vehicles. “Tobacco use” means but is not limited to the personal use of any tobacco product whether intended to be lit or not, which shall include smoking tobacco, nicotine, or other substances that are lit and smoked, as well as the use of electronic cigarettes, pipes, hookahs, or any other device intended to simulate smoking or vaporizing, and the use of smokeless tobacco, including snuff; chewing tobacco; smokeless pouches; any form of loose leaf, smokeless tobacco; and the use of unlit cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco.

    Initiated in Spring 2016 by a student, Kayla Hinkley ’16, the movement gained support from Student Senate, faculty, staff, and administrators following an in-depth survey which overwhelmingly showed that a strong majority representing each group supported a tobacco-free campus. Fall 2016 served as a transition period where individuals were permitted to utilize designated tobacco-use zones across campus and encouraged to utilize services and educational information in preparation for a tobacco-free campus.

    Campus security and residence life staff will be monitoring tobacco use and addressing situations when they arise. Maintaining a tobacco-free campus is a community effort where peers are enabled to discourage the use of tobacco products and supervisors of faculty and staff are requested to advise their department(s) to serve as role models and supporters of the movement.

    The policy change took place on January 23, 2017 followed by a week of celebratory events.

    Thank you for your dedication to making West Virginia Wesleyan College a cleaner and healthier campus for each of you, our visitors, and for our future.

    Cessation Information:

    The West Virginia Wesleyan College Health Center offers educational materials and support to tobacco users wanting more information. The Health and Counseling Center is located next to the Rockefeller Center and adjacent to the Christopher Hall of Science. The Health Center office hours are 8:00 AM -12:00 PM and 1:00 – 4:30 PM Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 – 11:30 AM and 12:30 – 4:30 PM on Friday. Counseling hours are Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 – 4:00 PM.

    In addition, individuals wishing to choose a healthier future for themselves and those around them should contact the WV Tobacco Quit Line at 1-877-966-8784 for help. Participants of the Quit Line are eligible to receive the following services:

    • Information and materials on quitting tobacco
    • Patches, gum or lozenges
    • Individual phone coaching

    Quit Line staff are available for questions Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Saturday thru Sunday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more information about services offered by the Quit Line, tobacco facts, and education links visit